Absolutely Gorgeous!!Fully Renovated, Beautiful Cozy & Bright House In Quiet Child-Safe Cres.With $$$$spent In Upgrading, New Roof(05)New Furnace(05),New Bathrooms(06),New Kitchen,Stripped Hardwood Floors Thru-Out,Marble Floor,Granite Counters, Ceramics,New Paint,Halogen...
- 上市时间: Tuesday, August 22, 2006
- 城市: Richmond Hill
- 社区: North Richvale
- 交叉路口: Don Head/Major Mac.
- 客厅: Hardwood Floor, Open Concept, Combined W/Dining
- 厨房: Ceramic Floor, Breakfast Area, W/O To Deck
- 家庭房: Hardwood Floor, Gas Fireplace, W/O To Deck
- 挂盘公司: Homelife Plus Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Homelife Plus Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage and should be verified by the buyer.