A brand new, never-lived-in 1 +1 Bed condominium, spanning over 541 square feet of luxurious living space, with a private balcony that extends your home into the open air. This unit has upgraded finishes and appliances. This is where modern elegance meets convenience in this sought-after address. Be the first to live in this untouched condo. Amenities include a yoga room, fitness center, private dining area, concierge, ground floor coffee lounge with WIFI.
- 上市时间: Monday, February 05, 2024
- 城市: Toronto
- 社区: Woburn
- Major Intersection: Markham And Ellesmere
- 详细地址: 1103-10 Meadowglen Place, Toronto, M1G 0A8, Ontario, Canada
- 挂盘公司: Hersh Realty Group Inc. - Disclaimer: The information contained in this listing has not been verified by Hersh Realty Group Inc. and should be verified by the buyer.